Thursday, February 10, 2005

hockey, hockey, and more hockey

Stingers in Edson Feb 2005 Posted by Hello

It appears I'm getting a tad bit lazy with this blogging business. It could be because all I've done for the past week or two is HOCKEY! I just learned how to add pictures to my blog, so above you can see my beloved hockey team partaking in debauchery...oh, it was good times. I'm looking forward to next week, when there will be no unrealistic demands on my body, just on my mind, as I attempt to actually bite the bullet and write my pain-in-the-ass thesis. I'll keep you posted as I slowly descend into the madness only academia can induce....

1 comment:

Chris said...

looks like a happy bunch if i do say so myself. seems like everyone i know is putting up a picture (myself and darren anyways).