Sunday, April 03, 2005

What a slacker!

It's been weeks since I posted, sorry about that. Time flies when you're procrastinating!! Or maybe you simply start losing track of time once you turn 29...yep, that's right, I had a birthday a few days ago, the big 2-9. Hooray for me. 29 and still in school. Look at me go! Actually, I feel great. I've got 82 pages of my thesis written already, it's great work as far as I'm concerned, I start a new job tomorrow, and I'm totally excited about it, the weather's fantastic, the sun is shining, what more can I ask for?

I've gotten in the habit of taking Casper, Shelley's dog, out for big long walks, and I find these walks to be the highlight of my day. This dog is an amazing creature, she's got such great energy, and it simply feels good to be around her. Watching her jump around and run and express such true happiness is like a breath of fresh air. So whenever I start feeling like I've been indoors too much, or overstimulated from working on my thesis, or just needing some down-time on my own, Casper and I head out to the park.

I've been on this kick lately, trying to find things and people that feed my spirit. Casper and walks are definitely part of that. And so is the Ashtanga yoga I've been doing latelty. A colleague of mine recommended this style of yoga to me, and since the classes are held two blocks away from my apartment, I thought I would give it a go. Turns out I LOVE it. I feel completely rejuvenated for days after my yoga class. As a result, I've started doing it on my own at home, and since it's been so warm here the last few days, I've been rolling out my yoga mat and doing sun salutations on my balcony in the mornings, with the sun shining on my face. What an amazing way to start my day!

I've also been visiting a chiropracter lately who has given me so much more freedom in my life. I haven't coughed, or had a headache, or even had a stiff neck or shoulders since visiting her, which has enabled me to be as active as I like to be. Ive been going to the gym on an extremely regular basis, and this makes me feel great too. All of this has given me a tremendous amount of energy. Look at me go! On top of it all, this "new" lifestyle has changed my eating patterns...I no longer crave sugar nearly as much as I used to. Although I still need a chocolate fix every once in awhile.

Anyway, there's my update. Nothing new and exciting. Oh, except that Shelley and I bought a ticket for the Full House Lottery. Consider yourself invited to the house-warming party once we win the house of our dreams! Casper is going to love the big-ass back yard!!!

1 comment:

Chris said...

well happy belated birthday, michelle. hope it was a good one