Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hitler's daughter?

I need to write more often so that I don't sit here at my computer with 5638395 thoughts to type out. I've been so busy....not that this is ever an excuse! I have been locked in my apartment working ferociously on my thesis. Thankfully I'm handing the thing in on May 13th and it will be out of my hair for a little while, at least. I'm sure Shelley will be happy when my extreme bitchiness wears off.....working on my thesis puts me in a mood, particularly when there is a multitude of other things I could be doing out in the sunshine....

I had to do a driving test today - it's part of the new requirements to be covered by university insurance when I rent cars for work. Of course I was nervous - everyone teases me about my driving (apparently I'm crazy) so I thought for sure I was going to flunk. But I didn't. I did super well, actually. The evaluator was an ex-cop, and he got a bit of a chuckle out of me. He said I am one of the most aggressive drivers he's ever been in the passenger seat of, and that I am definitely the most aggressive female driver he's encountered. I was partly honored and partly ashamed of his proclamation. He said I'm a good driver and will never have troubles driving in busy cities. I beg to differ - I have no patience for slow-moving traffic.

We signed Shelley up at the gym the other day. It's nice to have a workout partner. Actually, I didn't have to convince her much. She's been so impressed with my energy levels during the day, that she wanted to give it a try. Anyway, she joined the gym Thursday night, and I dragged her kicking and screaming to the gym Friday after work. She really, really, really didn't want to go....you know the typical excuse..."I'll start Monday". Uh uh, no way. Somewhere between home and the gym Shelley asked me if I was Hitler's daughter.....I laughed and laughed and laughed. You should have seen the look on her face - you would've thought that I was dragging her off to her death. The funny thing about all of this was how great she did at the gym, and how awesome she said she felt afterwards. And she learned the hardest gym lesson of all - overcoming the pain-in-the-ass mental/psychological obstacle to actually getting to the gym. Once you get your shoes on, it gets easier....except for maybe the last few minutes of cardio - by the time I get to the 40th minute I am sooooo bored, it's harder on my mind to finish than it is on my body.

And I have now lost 7 pounds....so I am encouraged. Although I still have some major body image issues when I'm at the gym - having skinny little fit buff Shelley beside me doesn't help! But I'm working on that........

I met the owner of the place where I do my yoga the other day, and he is the most incredible man - so encouraging, such great energy. We talked for quite some time, and in just one conversation he taught me so much. I love that place and all the people that go there. Sometimes when we're sitting in the lobby waiting for our class to start the person next to me will start chatting to me, and in 3 minutes we'll share the highlights of our day. I find this just amazing...

Anyway...I need to go eat supper and get to work on my thesis. Oh yippee skippy.

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