Wednesday, June 22, 2005

More funky dreams....

So the other night I had the strangest dream....I was walking through the forest with a wolf who was talking to me. It's not like he was actually physically talking to me, but we were walking together, and there was a Native voice talking to me, and it was just obvious it was coming from the wolf. Strangely, the wolf had the energy of Casper. Anyway, it was telling me how to love the Earth, and how to take care of the Earth, and the circle of life, and how to love, even those whom I don't want to love. The wolf then disappeared and left me in a large field filled with joyful rabbits, who I jumped around and danced with. I woke up feeling a large sense of responsibility.

The other bit of strangeness is that Louis Riel has been popping into my life lately. For those of you who don't know Canadian history, Riel was a Metis leader who led his people in a revolution against the Canadian government in Manitoba in the 1800s. He was a rather contoversial person, and some say he was even crazy. In the end, he was hung for treason, although how fighting for your own land is treason, I have no idea. Anyway, when I went to Winnipeg a few weeks ago, I started a book called The Diviners by Margaret Laurence, having no idea what it was about, or that it took place in rural Manitoba. The book is basically about a middle-aged woman, who is a writer, trying to understand the strange antics of her teenaged daughter, by reliving her own younger years. Anyway, while I was on a tour of Winnipeg, the tour guide told many stories about Riel, both historical stories and the stories passed down to him from his elders. Later on, in Grande Prairie, I continued reading this book, and each of the main characters tell their stories of Riel, also passed down to them from their elders. Each character told the same story, with a slightly different slant, or with slightly different details, based on how their elders experienced the revolution. Anyway, it made me realize that everyone has their own truth....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a wise woman, I love reading your blog! You always make me see things that I probably never would have looked for and that is great!